Assignment 13:

Austyn Wyche
2 min readApr 20, 2021


Click link below for my creative coding, drawing, and justice themed project.

The Scratch Workspace
The original drawing, drawn using a ballpoint pen on notebook paper


Throughout this course I learned about how much technological innovation improves modern learning. I never took advanced technology into account when considering education, education is not my discipline so this course definitely gave me new perspectives. My learning objectives were to become a become a better multimedia artist, I accomplished this goal by expanding mediums that I was willing to explore and experiment with. I didn’t see much growth as a photographer or graphic designer because I was already proficient with these skills. However, doing audio editing, creating coding and video editing allowed me to expand my capabilities. Coding was the most challenging, therefore it made me utilize more of my problem solving skills. The core to creativity is problem solving so I found the challenges I faced useful for me as an artist. Technology infused materials have potential for students and art makers to become pioneers and innovators within their disciplines by introducing new forms of production. New niches can be introduced across disciplines when using technology infused materials, which is beneficial for students and artist because when one has a niche, they have potential to see greater success and novelty in their craft.

